Thursday, May 4, 2017

R. Clemente

You have been researching all aspects of R. Clemente and will now apply that knowledge by writing a short piece as if you were him. You, as a scholar, must consider how Roberto Clemente might have thought and felt about events, issues, and other people in his time period. It’s an opportunity for you to truly engage with Roberto's history! Be creative & use quotes (2-5) &/or facts you have learned about him to back up your creative writing piece pretending you are him!

A. Gibson

You have been researching all aspects of Althea Gibson and will now apply that knowledge by writing a short piece as if you were her. You, as a scholar, must consider how Althea Gibson might have thought and felt about events, issues, and other people in her time period. It’s an opportunity for you to truly engage with Althea's history! Be creative & use quotes (2-5) &/or facts you have learned about her to back up your creative writing piece pretending you are her!